CMPHY magnetic field meter
PHYMAG : Simple and effective direct and alternating magnetic field meter
PHYMAG : Simple and effective direct and alternating magnetic field meter
CMPhy designs and manufactures custom-made Eddy Current Non-Destructive Testing probes for the testing of cables, wires, bars, small and medium-sized tubes.
Discover our GREEN PT autonomous washing station which allows to filter the washing water of the penetration test. It allows to measure and neutralize the pH continuously. It eliminates up to 99% of the contaminants present in the wash water !!!
Discover our new EMC electromagnetic measurement console and its embedded software designed by CMPhy. Developed for the measurement, control and characterization of materials in the NDT environment, it will meet all your needs
Control your parts simply in less than 2 minutes regardless of their size and shape / Low exposure to magnetic fields and reduced energy consumption
CMPHY to develop test benches for one of these electric motor manufacturer customers allowing mechanical traction, compression and bending tests to be carried out on magnets on the rotor of an electric motor.
Tracé du cycle d'Hystérésis magnétique B-H sur nanoparticules Détermination des grandeurs du cycles : perméabilité magnétique, induction magnétique, champ magnétique résiduel.
CMPhy is developing a magnetic and electrical properties measurement probe for a company specializing in microelectronics