Our company specializing in Non Destructive Testing equipment
CMPhy is a French company specialized in Physical Measurement and Characterization of Materials & Finished Products for Industry.
Our skills in the fields of electromagnetism and ultrasonic methods allow us to meet complex needs in the sector of:
- Analysis and Non Destructive Testing of materials (NDA & NDT),
- Characterization of the Electrical, Magnetic and Structural properties of materials,
- Industrial issues related to magnetism.
Our resources / Skills

Design office & equipment manufacturing
Design and production of equipment for non-destructive testing and measurements.
Magnetization equipment, degaussing systems.
Physical size meters for industry & laboratory.

Test and Measurement Laboratory
Characterization of materials by electromagnetic & ultrasonic methods
Calibration benches for NDT devices, magnetic field meters according to ISO / IEC 17025: 2005
Magnetization / Degaussing test benches

Research equipment
Ultrasonic measurement platform 10kHz to 15MHz
Current source (0-5000A) and magnetic fields (1mT to 3T)
Consoles and sensors with or without contact for measurements by eddy currents, magnetic fields, ultrasound
Acquisition cards and signal processing software associated with our measurement sensors: filters, average, demodulation